Business-in-a-Box's Remuneration Policy Template

Remuneration Policy Template

Document description

This remuneration policy template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our remuneration policy template:

Remuneration Policy 1. GENERAL [COMPANY NAME] strives to develop and implement its Remuneration Policy as a fair, consistent, competitive program of financial compensation for all employees of the company to be balanced with the responsibilities that have been undertaken. 2. SCOPE This Policy includes all managers and employees at all levels within [COMPANY NAME] and its affiliated companies. 3. PRINCIPLE OF REMUNERATION POLICY This remuneration policy, is based on the following principles that guide the compensation programs and the consequent actions: � Fairness and Consistency with the responsibilities assigned and the capabilities demonstrated; � Alignment with the Company strategies and with the defined objectives; � Competitiveness with regard to practices and market trends; � Enhancement of merit and performance, in terms of results, behaviors and values acted; � Clear Governance and compliance with the regulatory framework.

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