Business-in-a-Box's Network and Telecommunication Specialist Job Description Template

Network and Telecommunication Specialist Job Description Template

Document description

This network and telecommunication specialist job description template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our network and telecommunication specialist job description template:

Page 1 JOB DESCRIPTION NETWORK AND TELECOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST Brief description The position of network and telecommunication specialist consists of eliminating problems that arise in the telecom network and suggesting solutions for the smoother and efficient functioning of the system. It also consists of setting project objectives, standards and milestones for building, upgrades and expansions plans. Tasks • Collect, examine data and send along relevant information; • Develop design requirements and accordingly adapt and change the telecommunications network engineering approaches; • Identify and evaluates different options and choose the right course of action to solve the hitch; • Lead the design, specification, configuration, installation, and maintenance of local area network hardware, software, and telecommunications services; • Make recommendations regarding company-wide phone system upgrades and implement network sec

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