Business-in-a-Box's Landlord Notice of Termination of Lease Template

Landlord Notice of Termination of Lease Template

Document description

This landlord notice of termination of lease template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our real estate documents.

Sample of our landlord notice of termination of lease template:

OBJECT: NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF LEASE Dear [CONTACT NAME], This is to notify you to quit and deliver up possession of [ADDRESS], which you presently occupy as our tenant, by [DATE]. This notice is given pursuant to paragraph [PARAGRAPH NUMBER OF LEASE AGREEMENT WHICH PROVIDES FOR TERMINATION ON 7 DAYS NOTICE] of your lease agreement. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if you fail to vacate the above-described premises on or before the date specified in the paragraph above, the lessor will institute Unlawful Detainer proceedings ag

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