Business-in-a-Box's General Market Survey Template

General Market Survey Template

Document description

This general market survey template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.

Sample of our general market survey template:

GENERAL MARKET SURVEY 1. Are you: boxshadowdwn Male boxshadowdwn Female 2. What is your age? boxshadowdwn 18-24 boxshadowdwn 35-44 boxshadowdwn 55-64 boxshadowdwn 25-34 boxshadowdwn 45-54 boxshadowdwn 65 or over 3. What is the highest level of formal education you have completed? (Please check only one.) boxshadowdwn Attended High School boxshadowdwn Attended College boxshadowdwn Post-Graduate Study Without Degree boxshadowdwn Graduated High School boxshadowdwn Graduated College boxshadowdwn Post-Graduate Degree 4. What is your marital status? boxshadowdwn Married boxshadowdwn Separated or Divorced

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