Business-in-a-Box's We Are Not Taking Your Dissatisfaction Lightly Template

We Are Not Taking Your Dissatisfaction Lightly Template

Document description

This we are not taking your dissatisfaction lightly template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.

Sample of our we are not taking your dissatisfaction lightly template:

OBJECT: WE ARE NOT TAKING YOUR DISSATISFACTION LIGHTLY Dear [CONTACT NAME], Thank you for your letter of [DATE] describing the problems you have been having with [PRODUCT]. I appreciate your sincerity and must agree that our products are not perfect. Please accept my truthful apologies. We are not taking your dissatisfaction lightly. In fact, your letter has been forwarded to several key people in our organization, including our president. We are already working to improve our internal process, and I hope you will bear with

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