Business-in-a-Box's Licensing Examiner and Inspector Job Description Template

Licensing Examiner and Inspector Job Description Template

Document description

This licensing examiner and inspector job description template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our licensing examiner and inspector job description template:

Page 1 JOB DESCRIPTION LICENSING EXAMINER AND INSPECTOR Brief description The position of licensing examiner and inspector consists of examining, evaluating, and investigating eligibility for, conformity with, or liability under licenses or permits. Tasks � Administer oral, written, road, or flight tests to licensed applicants; � Advise licensees and other individuals or groups concerning licensing, permit, or passport regulations; � Confer with and interview officials, technical or professional specialists, and applicants, in order to obtain information or to clarify facts relevant to licensing decisions; � Evaluate applications, records, and documents in order to gather information about eligibility or liability issues; � Issue licenses to individuals meeting standards; � Prepare correspondence to inform concerned parties of licensing decisions and of appeal processes; � Prepare reports of activities, evaluations, recommendati

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