Business-in-a-Box's Checklist 19 Strategies for Hiring the Best Template

Checklist 19 Strategies for Hiring the Best Template

Document description

This checklist 19 strategies for hiring the best template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our checklist 19 strategies for hiring the best template:

CHECKLIST 19 STRATEGIES FOR HIRING THE BEST boxshadowdwn Focus on hiring only the best. boxshadowdwn Make sure you have a written job description. boxshadowdwn Don’t limit your sources for good employees. boxshadowdwn Avoid hiring someone who averages more than one employer every two years. boxshadowdwn Use a rating system so that early candidates are not forgotten in the interview process. boxshadowdwn Where possible, promote from within to maintain employee morale. boxshadowdwn A person with an extensive self-employment background is very likely to go back to self- employment as soon as possible. Hire this

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